Why do I need to wear a mouthguard?

Sporting accidents are one of the most common causes of traumatic dental injury (TDI). Every year thousands of people are treated for TDIs that could have been avoided or minimised by wearing a protective, custom-fitted mouthguard.

Damaged or knocked out teeth, broken jaws and cut lips can be sustained when playing sport. Custom-fitted mouthguards help absorb and spread the impact of the blow to your face, which might otherwise result in an injury to your mouth or jaw.

5 Reasons to Wear A Mouthguard

  • May help reduce concussion
  • Protects against soft tissue injuries
  • Protects against jaw joint injuries
  • Cushions teeth against impact
  • Helps prevent neck & jaw injuries

Cutsom-fitted mouthguards should be worn whilst PLAYING AND TRAINING for any sport where there is a possibility of contact to the face. Over-the-counter mouthguards do not provide enough protection against injuries to your teeth, mouth or jaw. Over-the-counter mouthguards include stock mouthguards that do not require fitting, and mouthguards that can be placed in hot water and then self-fitting by biting into the mould. Dental injuries can be very costly, so it is worthwhile investing in a custom-fitted mouthguard.

Custom-fitted mouthguards are made by your dentist and when fitted, should be

  • Comfortable
  • Well-fitting
  • Allows you to speak clearly
  • Won’t shift or fall out
  • Won’t restrict your breathing

It is important to have your mouthguard assessed by your dentist at your regular checkup to ensure it fits correctly for maximum protection. You may need a new replacement if your new, secondary adult teeth have come through or if your mouthguard had been damged.

Caring For Your Mouthguard

  • Rinse in cold water after use
  • Store in rigid plastic container
  • Keep out of direct sunlight – mouthguards will change shape in high temperatures
  • Occasionally rinse your mouthguard in a mouthwash
  • Have your mouthguard checked by your dentist at your regular dental checkup
  • Replace your mouthguard if it gets damaged


If you are not wearing a mouthguard and your tooth does get knocked out, click here to find out what to do.